UVI maps produced at Fri Apr 19 03:05:13 2024 Based on assimilated GOME (METOP-C) input for 20240419 at UT=12:00 Internal precisions calculated on the basis of the GOME input error field AVERAGE INTERNAL PRECISION OF THE UVI-FIELDS MAP AVERAGE ERROR ERROR IN % AVERAGE UVI -------------------------------------------------------- Europe 0.30 6.82 4.41 Africa 0.71 6.90 10.26 Asia 0.54 6.75 7.89 Australia 0.54 6.78 7.92 North-America 0.46 6.77 6.83 South-America 0.62 6.97 8.83 Antarctica 0.01 10.04 0.10 Arctica 0.05 6.58 0.75 World 0.427 7.049 6.157 -------------------------------------------------------- Calculated on the basis of the following input errors: SZA: 0.245 [deg] Albedo: 0.050 Dayofyear: 0.000 [days] AOD: 0.100 Altitude: 0.100 [m] Average Ozone error: 17.153 DU